Become a Member

The NSBKA keeps a list of members who would like to obtain a swarm of bees, swarms are for a small fee of $50 and are generally available between September and December depending on the season. What else does membership entitle you to, scroll down to view the detail.


North Shore Beekeepers’ Association is here to provide fun and educational activities for people interested in beekeeping and related subjects. We offer multiple services to helps beekeepers to maintain full bee keeping environment also engage with Community groups through its attendance at popular festivals. The Club is very active with BioSecurity policy and operational procedure and maintains strict apiary controls.

NSBKA Memberships are classified into the following Categories:

– Full membership for an Adult Family and children or Adult Single, at an annual fee of $40 in either case.
– Concession membership for a Pensioner Family and Pensioner Single, at an annual fee of $30 in either case. Concession means a Pensioner or holder of NSW Seniors Card.
– Under 18 years membership is available, please contact the Secretary at

To become a Member, open Membership Options  and click Register on the membership type of choice. Proceed with Registration and provision of details and eventual Online payment. Follow the steps and make the payment online using a Credit Card (VISA, Mastercard, American Express). A receipt will be emailed to you.

As a member of the club you will be entitled to a host of events, presentations, expertise and access to club equipment for honey extraction and maintaining your hive. In addition, access to experienced members and the groups private facebook group for assistance and knowledge sharing.

Payments to the Club

Account Name: North Shore Beekeepers Assoc

BSB: 032-083

Account No. 168197



Bi monthly meetings, at Lindfield Senior Citizens 259 Pacific Highway Lindfield from 7pm to 9:30pm on the second Wednesday (Feb, Apr, June, Aug, Oct)
• Library open from 7pm. This one of the largest, oldest and most extensive beekeeping libraries in Australia and available to members loans
• Guest speaker and presentations
• Club Report with Q&A

Monthly Field Days at the Clubhouse, on the Sunday following the second Wednesday per month from 10am to 1pm (excluding December)
• Morning Tea & Snacks available on the day with beekeepers social networking
• Demonstrations on hive management (4 different hive types), extracting honey, pest & disease identification



Shop, Buy & Sell
bee products

• Members receive a good discount at the Hornsby Bee Shop
• Club sells bee products for fund raising at external events
• Club purchases bee products (honey&wax) and sells honey on field days
• Club has a well equipped shop at which members can purchase items for their hives

Hornsby Beekeeping Shop



Members are able to access the clubs extraction equipment at no cost, this includes extractors, wax/honey press, hot knives, sieves and honey collection trays. Everything you need to process your honey and wax located at four locations on the north shore.

Equipment Available for Loan


Club Run Courses

Spring & Swarm Management Course 1 day, $125pp
• Run on one Saturday in early Spring, the aim being to have beekeepers setup their hives so as to minimize swarming

Beginners' Beekeeping 2 days, $250pp
• Including FlowHive, course is run across 2 weekend days, on 2 consecutive Saturdays
• Presentations using a number of different hive types including 10 and 8 frame langstroth, warre, flowhive and top bar by highly skilled Club members
Additional courses are scheduled during the year depending on demand include Queen Rearing & Breeding and Mead Making.

Course Overview - check Events for specific dates


Community Events

The club attends several community events each to raise awareness of the honeybee and the importance of pollination and sell club honey. It's an excellent opportunity to spend time networking with club members whilst educating the public. It's actually a lot of fun.
• The Festival on the Green St Ives in May
• The St Ives Show in May
• Ku Ring Gai WildFlower Gardens in August
• The Willoughby Emerge Festival in September
• The Bunnings Club BBQ in December

View Gallery


A Swarm of bees

NSBKA members get priority access to receiving a colony of bees in spring for a small fee of $50 to the club. As a members you have the opportunity to spend time with a swarm collector and learn the art of collecting swarms and transporting bees.

• Being a financial member of the NSBKA
• Able to respond to requests from the public within a reasonable time
• Having suitable equipment to collect swarms
• Able to offer advice in the event the swarm is either not a swarm or not able to be caught

Register with the Swarm Manager to receive a swarm









Members location


Did you that the drone or male bee has a mother and no father but has a grandfather.

There are 3 types of bee found inside a hive, the queen, worker bees that are all female and male drone bees.

The queen bee lays up to 2000 eggs a day and can live for up to 5 years. A worker bee will be lucky to live for 8 weeks.

To make 1kg of honey the bees need to bring in up to 5kg of nectar from trees and flowers.

A bee would be lucky to make an 1/8 of a teaspoon of honey in her lifetime.

A fully populated honeybee hive could contain 60,000 bees.

The honeybee is the only insect farmed by humans that we consider to be livestock and produce food on a massive scale both directly and indirectly through pollination.

Honey has long been considered as a medicine and only recently this has been proven to be true. Honey can kill bacteria by dehydrated the cell causing the cell wall to rupture.

Did you know that honey is a true probiotic? 1 tablespoon a day is all you need to promote healthy gut bacteria.

Beeswax is actually the fat of the bee and to produce 1 kilo of wax the honeybees will need to consume up to 8 kilos of honey.


Any questions or enquiries? Talk to us today!