North Shore Beekeepers’ Association is here to provide fun and educational activities for people interested in beekeeping and related subjects. We offer multiple services to helps beekeepers to maintain full bee keeping environment also engage with Community groups through its attendance at popular festivals. The Club is very active with BioSecurity policy and operational procedure and maintains strict apiary controls.
NSBKA Memberships are classified into the following Categories:
– Full membership for an Adult Family and children or Adult Single, at an annual fee of $40 in either case.
– Concession membership for a Pensioner Family and Pensioner Single, at an annual fee of $30 in either case. Concession means a Pensioner or holder of NSW Seniors Card.
– Under 18 years membership is available, please contact the Secretary at
To become a Member, open Membership Options and click Register on the membership type of choice. Proceed with Registration and provision of details and eventual Online payment. Follow the steps and make the payment online using a Credit Card (VISA, Mastercard, American Express). A receipt will be emailed to you.
As a member of the club you will be entitled to a host of events, presentations, expertise and access to club equipment for honey extraction and maintaining your hive. In addition, access to experienced members and the groups private facebook group for assistance and knowledge sharing.
Payments to the Club
Account Name: North Shore Beekeepers Assoc
BSB: 032-083
Account No. 168197