NSBKA Beekeeping Courses
NSBKA provides 2 very popular courses with plenty of discussion, presentations and hands on experiences opening bee hives at the Club facilities and apiary at Terrey Hills. Scroll down the page for more information and enrolment.
Our most popular beekeeping training course held by the North Shore Beekeeping Club is the “New Beekeepers” or “Beginners Course”. This course is a very interactive hands-on approach conducted over two full days, on consecutive weekends. It is designed to give you a full understanding of the role of the beekeeper. Held in Terrey Hills NSW, the courses are limited in size (maximum of 20 people). Each day includes hands on experience with opening several bee hives. All courses at North Shore Beekeeping Club include extensive training on Varroa management. Each course has two qualified instructors with lunch provided as well as morning and afternoon teas.
The course includes detailed notes as well as the DPI reference book and local knowledge. We especially cater for new beekeepers and families with a Flow Hive.
The Spring Management Course is aimed for the more experienced beekeeper (say 2-3 years) who wishes to gain a deeper knowledge on managing their bees coming out of winter and through the spring build up. Particular topics include swarm prevention, Varroa management
in spring and summer, honey harvesting techniques and frame rotations. We also discuss swarm catching techniques and bait hives. This course is offered once a year in August and is limited to 20 students per class. Your instructors for the day are the most experienced and knowledgeable members in the club so you are in good hands. This is a one-day course with morning tea, lunch and afternoon tea provided.

Beginners’ Beekeeping Course including Flow Hive
The course is designed to provide new or potential beekeepers (including those considering Flow Hives) with the necessary knowledge, confidence and practical skills to successfully manage their beehive. You gain confidence from having hands on experience and you will know the legal responsibilities required of a bee keeper before starting your first hive.
The Beginners’ Beekeeping Course is highly recommended before you start in bees. This course provides participants with the information they need to start beekeeping with confidence. It is specifically aiming at small recreational beekeeping and covers topics specific to keeping bees in the Sydney suburbs. No prior bee keeping knowledge or experience is required. Attending this course allows you to 5% discount at selected retailers and you will be eligible to obtain a bee swarm from the club. Course members will be
offered mentoring support.
This course is a must for anyone interested in purchasing bees or who has a flow hive. Depending on the weather we will open one or more of these hives and you will see them operating. In poor weather we may not be able to open and inspect a hive. If this occurs you will be given the opportunity to postpone this activity to another suitable day.
The Beginners’ course covers these topics:
– Introduction to beekeeping and Registration
– Safety around the bee hive and bee stings
– Personal protective gear
– Bio security and good bee keeping practices
– Locating the hive and re-locating your hive
– How and where to get the bees
– Bee hive management and pest controls
– Honey bees – castes, lifecycles, re-queening
– Varroa Management
– Seasonal management
– Buying second hand hive equipment, frames, boxes, smoker & hive tools
– Buying your first bee hive – Langstroth 8 or 10 frame, or another hive type
– Up to 2 hours of hands on hive inspections
– Opening a hive and handling bees with confidence
– Flow®Hive – advantages, harvesting and painting
– Using essential equipment, smoker, hive tools, bee brush and queen markers
– Storing your equipment
– Record keeping
– On going support and mentoring
The Course is run over two weekends (normally consecutive Saturdays 9am to 4:00pm) so that you have the chance to try out your newly acquired skills on your own (or a friends) beehive. The cost of the course is $395 which includes all handouts and resources. Included in the two-day course is a complimentary copy of the NSW DPI’s publication “Bee Agskills“ course notes and a new hive tool. All lunches, morning and afternoon biscuits, tea or coffee and soft drinks are included.
If you have your own bee suit or jacket, please remember to bring it to the course. Otherwise, we will lend you one to use. You will be dealing with live bees. The Club does have a limited number of jackets, hoods and veils for loan. Please make sure you wear long pants, gloves(optional) are recommended and a long sleeve cotton shirt. Closed footwear should be worn.
The spring management and swarm control course is a one-day course designed to provide beekeepers with the necessary knowledge, confidence and practical skills to successfully prevent swarming of their beehive during the spring build up and into the summer months.
You will gain confidence from understanding the activity in the hive and different ways to manage your bees. You will learn about the reasons behind the bee’s swarming behaviour and how to manage the bees. Un-managed bees do not thrive in suburban areas.
This course provides participants with confidence and is specifically aiming at recreational and backyard beekeeping. Basic beekeeping knowledge is assumed. The course is held only once each year and places are limited to max of 20 people.
The Spring Management and Swarm control course covers the following topics:
– Influence of weather
– Nectar and pollen supplies in winter and spring
– Expansion of egg laying by the queen
– Managing for varroa and drone removal
– Varroa treatment options (chemical and organic)
– Swarm prevention techniques
– Signs of preparation for swarming
– Types of queen cells
– Looking for diseases such as AFB
– Splitting your hive – successful techniques
– Artificial Swarming
– Catching a swarm
– Equipment to catch a swarm
– Avoiding problems with Neighbours
– Post swarming action how to stop secondary swarms
– Moving your hive
– Record keeping
This Course is run for one day only (normally Saturdays 9am to 4:00pm) in late August so you are prepared for the coming spring. The cost of the course is $165 which includes notes and handouts. Your lunch and morning and afternoon tea or coffee and soft drinks are included, so all you need to bring is your bee suit or jacket.
Note: This course is only run once per year and we encourage you to register your interest.
As experienced bee keepers, we ask that you bring your own personal bee suit or jacket. You will be dealing with live bees. The Club does have a limited number of jackets for loan. Please make sure you wear long pants, gloves(optional) are recommended and a long sleeve cotton shirt. Closed footwear should be worn.
Topics for this course include:
- Autumn tasks including re-queening, purchasing queen’s vs breeding your own queens, joining hives using newspaper and finding the queen.
- Winter tasks including saving drawn comb, frame rotation and planning your varroa strategy.
- Preparing for spring management including comb management and varroa treatments.
The cost is $165 and numbers will be limited.
This Course is run for one day only (normally Saturday 9am to 4:00pm) in Autumn, so you are prepared for the coming Winter. The cost of the course is $165 which includes notes and handouts. Your lunch and morning and afternoon tea or coffee and soft drinks are included, so all you need to bring is your pen, paper, bee suit or jacket.
Note: This course is only run once per year and we encourage you to register your interest.
As experienced bee keepers, we ask that you bring your own personal bee suit or jacket. You will be dealing with live bees. Please make sure you wear long pants, gloves(optional) are recommended and a long sleeve cotton shirt. Closed footwear should be worn.
This course completes the year-round management cycle and integrates with the Spring management course. Places are limited to max of 20 people.