Advanced Beekeeping Course (Varroa Management) 2025

When: Saturday, 22nd March 2025, 9:00AM
Saturday, 22nd March 2025, 4:00PM

Where:  Peninsular Firearm Academy, Terrey Hills NSW 2084, Australia

Presenters: Michael and Keith from the NSBKA


Topics for this course include:

  1. Autumn tasks including re-queening, purchasing queen’s vs breeding your own queens, joining hives using newspaper and finding the queen.
  2. Winter tasks including saving drawn comb, frame rotation and planning your varroa strategy.
  3. Preparing for spring management including comb management and varroa treatments.

The cost is $165 and numbers will be limited.

This Course is run for one day only in Autumn, so you are prepared for the coming Winter. The cost of the course is $165 which includes notes and handouts. Your lunch and morning and afternoon tea or coffee and soft drinks are included, so all you need to bring is your pen, paper, bee suit or jacket.

Note: This course is only run once per year and we encourage you to register your interest.

As experienced bee keepers, we ask that you bring your own personal bee suit or jacket. You will be dealing with live bees. Please make sure you wear long pants, gloves(optional) are recommended and a long sleeve cotton shirt. Closed footwear should be worn.

This course completes the year-round management cycle and integrates with the Spring management course. Places are limited to max of 20 people.


Use the “Get Tickets” button below to purchase and book your place as spots in this course are strictly limited.

The course is over two days and it is very important to attend both as different topics and activities are covered each day.

Event TitlePrice
Advanced Beekeeping Course Saturday 22nd March 2025 (9am – 4pm)$165